The Idea-Man
veazey2019-11-10T14:05:33+00:00have you ever met an idea-man? someone who loves to give you ideas for your life or business but they have no intentions of helping, of bringing anything to life, they are just full of ideas…
i’m full of ideas, for MY life and MY business, but i keep most of them to myself. Some of my ideas are even sacred to me, as if i personally need to fulfill them, so i could never just give them away. sure i brainstorm with people i trust but i let all the thoughts i gather about my idea roll around within me until the time is right and the idea for version 0.01 is complete.
we are all creative whether you believe it or not, whether you flex your creative muscle or not, whether you embrace your imaginative consciousness or not. our creativity as humans is like the coolest thing about us yet soooo many people say “i don’t have a creative bone in my body”.
it makes me sad to hear that or “i’m not creative”. it’s more like “i choose not to create” and truthfully that’s the saddest truth of all. you are more than able of creating, you are more than capable of coming up with new ideas to enhance your life, you are exponentially more powerful then you choose to believe you are.
your ideas are meant to fuel your life. but it’s the truth in your heart that leads your way towards the most fulfilling things you’ll ever experience. i believe our consciousness is behind our creative sparks. it’s not our human, he or she is just here to execute, it’s that spirit, that soul within you that thrives through your own purposeful creations.
therefore, if my theory is correct (which it probably isn’t and there is no way to prove it) then, your creativity, your ideas, are relatively private. i’m not saying you can’t share them, or tell people what has worked for you in hopes it will spark some idea within them but…
it’s almost intrusive to GIVE someone your ideas when they don’t ask for them. this is exactly what an idea-man does. gives without your openness to receive. idea-men come up with ways to help everyone but lack in ways to help themselves. they give you ideas and impatiently wait for you to run with ‘em.
have you ever been should on? sure you have, we all have and i’m sure you’ve even should on yourself a million times before now. but that’s the thing about idea-men, they should all over you and that shit builds up.
my dad’s a should-er. his most famous line is “you know what you need to do…” and NO, that is NOT a question, that’s a lead in for idea-man to explode his or her shoulds all over you.
what i really want to say is, reserve your creativity for the best things in your own life. if it’s your job, a special project, your favorite past time, whatever the thing, make sure it’s something that deserves your creativity, something that impacts your life, and something that will enhance what you do daily.
in the book “Big Magic”, Liz wrote one of the most important lessons i’ve ever learned about creativeity. the creations in your mind, want to be free and if you don’t free them, someone else will. meaning, that idea will go find another human to inhabit and that human will bring it to life because you weren’t doing the idea justice by letting it just live in your head.
sparks of creativity are not just nothing, they are EVERYTHING when it comes to creating the life you want to live. so don’t just aspire to be someone else’s idea-man. “i gave her that idea” is not actually something to praise, the execution of something successful is, but the idea that you gave had no role in bringing it to life, it’s no longer yours, and truthfully, never was.
if you treat your creativity, your ideas like they aren’t sacred or special, like they are doubloons to be thrown away off a Mardi Gras float, then all the best ideas will find better humans to bring them to life.
so use your creativity to create a fulfilling life worth living FOR YOU. sure, help people along the way, but creative advice is just like any other advice, it’s gross, no one likes being should on.