


i write because it helps me get to the bottom of things. it helps me unravel the chaos in my mind as well as dive deep into the depths of who i am. i also get myself tangled into automatic writing where it just flows from within but it’s clearly not my own. i’m not 100% sure where i’m going with writing yet but i’m most definitely still going.



i write because it helps me get to the bottom of things. it helps me unravel the chaos in my mind as well as dive deep into the depths of who i am. i also get myself tangled into automatic writing where it just flows from within but it’s clearly not my own. i’m not 100% sure where i’m going with writing yet but i’m most definitely still going.


I keep looking at my girl Talulah-Jane and thinking “I am so lucky”. I repeat it, I take it in, I am so so so grateful to have this child. I’m recognizing that I am infinitely grateful because this is something I wished for for so long that I had given up. I fully surrendered to the truth that my deepest desire to have children would not come to be. I fully explored this reality and what I would use that generative energy for if not to have children. I no longer spent time wishing, hoping, praying, or grasping at

I’ve been censoring myself

Over the last decade I’ve learned so much about self-censorship. I’ve realized how important it is to be aware of all self-censorship because, in essence, it is an act of repression and therefore an inhibitor of growth. When we fully express ourselves, just as when all animals fully express themselves, we thrive and live to our fullest potential. In my previous romantic relationship, I recognized my behaviors of self-censorship. When I saw it, I was heartbroken. I don’t know about everybody else but around age 30 I found the voice of my soul, my heart, my intuition, my internal guidance

Change Is Inevitable. Ride The Cussin Waves.

Patterns make order out of the chaos that arises in life. Sacred geometry reveals the patterns underneath the surface of all on Earth. Consciousness reveals the patterns within ourselves, within our habits, within our daily lives. We exist as an accumulation of patterns within and without. An attention-rich life will allow you to see and to accept the patterns that exist in the world around you. An intention-rich life will allow you to gain control over the patterns that arise within your thoughts, words, and actions. A pattern is a pattern because it repeats—the cycle comes back around over and

Authenticity’s arch nemesis is “the lie”.

*If you'd rather listen, I posted a video on Instagram What’s worse? Causing someone pain or lying to keep from causing someone pain? Lying to not only them, but lying to yourself — denying and betraying the truth in your heart. Do you lie because you don’t want the truth known? — embarrassed by your own feelings, afraid you won’t be understood. Do you lie to avoid an uncomfortable conversation? — because you don’t want to incite pain, emotions, or tears. Do you lie to make it more comfortable for everyone? — including for yourself, best to avoid confrontation, conflict

the ON switch for your internal guidance system

if you'd rather listen to me read this, click here your conscious awareness is the on switch for your internal guidance system. the more consciously aware of yourself you are, the more truth will be revealed within yourself. the more you intentionally align your thoughts, words, and actions into harmony with your personal truth, the more authentic you will find yourself to be. depending on how consciously aware you are, you can make realizations about yourself seemingly every day. each day you live with those realizations from yesterday, you live with what you’ve learned of yourself in the past, and you

beauty & chaos

if you'd rather listen to me read this, click here. nature. it is the most beautiful chaos you’ve ever witnessed. she’s why we come here, get in these meat suits and do this jig. somehow, the enjoyment of her beauty outweighs the pain of her chaos. [well… that’s a matter of perspective, i’m certain many cannot see it that way.] humans are nature. human nature is wild, unpredictable — chaos. you are capable of playing a wildcard at any moment on any day. regardless of how predictably robotic you have become, you are still a wild human and capable of giving


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